At a Glance
The LVA Certification Body cooperates with partners to offer audits and certifications according to the following standards:
- IFS standards
- Organic certifications and private labels
- HACCP, GMP audits, supplier audits
- AMA Quality Seal, AMA Organic Seal, quality and origin assurance system (QHS), Transparent Origin
- ISO 22000
- ISO 9001
- Sustainability standards
- V-Label
Our Services
The IFS standards build on a coherent assessment system that enables uniform assessment of food safety among producers. The IFS auditors at LVA are available for national and international engagements. The following IFS standards are audited:
- IFS Progress – an assessment programme for small and/or less developed companies involving a systematic, clearly defined and scheduled development approach up to potential IFS Food or IFS Logistics certification.
- IFS Broker – for all companies that mainly engage in ‘trading activities’.
- IFS Food – a standard for auditing food producers that is recognised by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). It is used for companies producing food and/or packaging loose (food) products.
- IFS Logistics – for companies that carry out logistical operations for food and non-food products.
- IFS Wholesale/Cash & Carry – for tailored auditing of specific workflows in cash & carry markets and wholesale outlets.
Organic Certification Body
As an officially recognised organic certification body (with the code AT-BIO-901) and based on agreements with organic associations and private labels, we currently offer inspections in accordance with the directives of the following labels:
- BIO Austria
- Demeter
- AMA Bio Siegel
- Prüf Nach!
LVA’s organic certification body is also accredited in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17065 and operates throughout Austria.
Further Certifications
- RSPO – the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil promotes sustainable cultivation and processing of palm oil. Many retail chains demand certification according to RSPO in order to further the use of sustainably sourced palm oil in products. LVA GmbH offers this service in cooperation with Control Union Germany.
- Rainforest Alliance – this globally recognised certification is regarded as proof of sustainable production. Rainforest Alliance enable uninterrupted monitoring of the flow of goods from production to sale. LVA GmbH offers this service in cooperation with Control Union Germany.
- MSC/ASC – the globally recognised label for sustainable fishing aims to protect the oceans, with a particular focus on overfishing. ASC seeks to mitigate the impact of aquaculture on people and the environment. We offer MSC/ASC certification in cooperation with Control Union Germany.
- ISO – LVA cooperates with TÜV Austria in certifications according to ISO 22000, a standard that lays the foundation for implementing a quality management system. It builds on ISO 9001 and additionally contains specific requirements in regard to food safety.
Details and Documents
Further information on the individual certifications can be found in the download area: