Dr. Georg Kalss

Zur Person

Unternehmen: Bühler AG

Dr. Georg Kalss is the Food Safety Officer in the Wafer business unit of global food technology company Bühler AG.
His background is in technical chemistry, with a special focus on material sciences, especially metallic materials, surface technology, and non-stick properties of food contact surfaces.

Aktuelle Seminare & Kurse

EHEDG: Grundlagen des Hygienic Design

10.10.2024, 8:30–16:00
LVA GmbH | Magdeburggasse 10 | 3400 Klosterneuburg

EHEDG – Advanced Kurs Hygienic Design in english!

22.–24.10.2024, 9:00–18:00
Universität für Bodenkultur | Muthgasse 19 | 1190 Wien